Sunday, 1 February 2009

Hectic Week

Had a phone call saying that I am going to receive a letter off the DNA company soon about going for a test to prove Matt is the sperm donor :) they were going to try and contact him to let him know and get more details off him. He has to pay for the test which is £200, he can either pay for it there and then or it will just be added to his maintenance debt. If it comes back that he aint the sperm donor (which it wont) then he will be reimbursed the money! When we receive the letter we have to reply and if they dont hear from us in 2 weeks they will close the case and just assume that Matt is and start to take maintenance off him. When we go for the test we need to take photo ID to prove who we are then if it comes back negative I need to go and confirm whether it actually was Matt who turned up or not. Think once he finds out how much its going to cost him for the test he will just leave it and pay the back maintenance that he hasnt given yet!
Ainsley (step sister) has been causing loads of trouble the past week and keeps running away from home and not returning from school etc. Had the police out loads as people didnt know where she was and we were worried about her. She turned up at a mates the first time and didnt want to come home so she stayed there the night then went to school the next day. She had seen her social worker that afternoon and promised her she would come home that night but she never did!! Friday night she didnt come home from school again so called the police again and they went out to find her but had no luck, I called Nathan and he said he hadnt seen her either. The next day Annalise's Mam called to say that Annalise had been speaking to a mate online and they told her that Ainsley was at her mate Becca's house in the Avenues. Becca's Aunty lives across the road from me so I went there and asked for Becca's address and explained to her why, her husband took me there but by the time I got there the police had already arrived. If the policeman wasn't there I would have smacked her one for the way she has been acting!! She was determined she wasn't coming home and wanted to go back into care so they left her there for the night as a Children Support Worker was going to pick her up the next morning and bring her home to talk about things. When they got here Ainsley had a face like a smacked arse and full of make up so my Mam asked her nicely to go and take it off but she said no, Mam told her if she didn't go and take it off she would and it would be scrubbed off so away she went and took it off. When I moved away from the sitting room door to let the CSW out Ainsley got out before her and went straight out the front door as she wasn't stopping here. Craig and I went shopping and when we were walking out I saw Ainsley and Becca sitting on the bench just inside the doors and if looks could kill Craig would be six feet under. The police called just after 5pm saying they had picked Ainsley up from Asda and wanted the EDT (Emergency Duty Team) number to try and sort something out as she was still determined she wasn't coming back here. An officer turned up here and asked if Ainsley could go to Annalise's house for the night until Social Services could pick up where they left off tomorrow so Mam and Craig agreed if it was ok with Anne. Police took her there and Ann said it was ok so they came back to let us know and to collect some clean underwear for her. We will see what happens tomorrow and I will post again once I know more.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

New Tattoo

This is a pic of the new tattoo i want :) Laura let me know what ya think :p

Saturday, 10 January 2009


I know I am rubbish at keeping this updated but don't really come on the computer that often anymore am too busy with Keely. Well since I last posted alot has happened so this might bore you but atleast am updating it...

It was Keely's 1st Christmas and she got spoilt rotten (not that she knew what was going on) lol. She got loads of new clothes, money, a play gym, teddies, spinning tops, baby roller, music cubes and a couple of other toys that make noises. Craig made Christmas dinner and it was lush, we blended a little bit up for Keely to try and she loved it :D She went for her third lot of injections yesterday and she screamed her head off :( but its her last lot until she is 1 now. Take her to get weighed on Monday and am dreading them telling me how much she weighs as she aint been weighed in a month with it being Christmas. So she has probably put on loads of weight because we have weaned her on to solids now with her being 4 months old (don't feel like I have had her that long!!)

The day after my 21st birthday Matt's girlfriend rang me to find out who I was and who Keely was so I told her and she wasn't best pleased. He had only told her that he had one daughter (his other one who is 2 years old) and he never told her that he had been over here to see Keely. So she finished with him for lying to her and so Matt came here shouting his mouth off saying once I went home he was going to kill me and also said he was going to call Social Services and get Keely taken off me. I called the police as I was scared for her safety and mine. After they had been and took my statement they went out looking for him so Keely, Laura and I went back round to mine and while we were sat in the sitting room someone knocked on the window so we all went upstairs and I called the police to let them know. They came to my house and asked what we had heard etc so they went and searched the area and the field behind my house for him. It happened again so I called the police again but when they came they asked why we thought it was Matt cos we never saw him but I don't speak to anyone on my street so why would they knock on my window. To get into my garden they would have had to climb over next doors fence as my gate is bolted shut, so the police basically thought we were wasting their time. They told me that I couldn't press charges as the threats weren't made directly to me so was advised to get an injunction out against him. I have since been to court and got the injunction and the second time I went Matt was also there to give his side of the story but he wasn't legally represented and accepted all the terms of the injunction. This means he isn't allowed anywhere near me or Keely and aint allowed to contact me in anyway until May 2009 when it runs out.

A couple of months ago I contacted CSA and gave them all of Matts details that I knew and they said they would contact him about money for Keely. I have since had a phone call off them saying that they contacted Matt and he has replied to them denying he is her father so we have to do DNA now to prove it. He knows for a fact he is because he is the only guy I slept with so there is no denying it. Once the results come back I am going to frame them lol, he is only putting off what he has to do in the long run so he is in for a big shock.

I have decided that I want to get a job until September then go to college to do a hairdressing course as I like doing peoples hair so why not make a living out of it!